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73-5563 Olowalu Street
Kailua-Kona, HI, 96740
United States


Glamourize Me Skincare Studio in Kailua Kona, Hawaii offers the best esthetic services. Learn about the services offered which include sugaring hair removal, custom facial treatments, detoxifying body wraps and Lash and Brow treatments such as Lash Lifting and Lash and Brow tinting. Online scheduling and instant gift certificates are available.


Sugaring FAQ's

What is sugaring?

The Art of Body Sugaring is a unique hair removal technique using an all natural sugar paste. It is made from NATURAL INGREDIENTS with no testing on animals and with no harmful side effects caused by allergic reactions. It is so natural you can EAT it!

What are the benefits of sugaring over regular waxing?

The Sugaring paste is applied at body temperature making it safe for all areas, so there is no risk of getting burned. The Sugar paste is barely lukewarm.

Sugar does not adhere to live skin cells. It will extract the hair and exfoliate the dead skin cells, helping to free ingrown hairs. It can even be applied to dry itchy eczema and dry psoriasis. The sugaring paste is hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic.

It will not break as many hairs as waxing. The paste seeps into the pore grabbing the hair follicle at its thickest point, lubricating the hair to make the extraction more complete and gentle. The hair is eased out in the natural direction of growth, which helps to extract the hair intact. Because of the direction of extraction the client feels little, if any, discomfort.

It is more sanitary than waxing.  Since the paste has such a high concentration of sugar, bacteria cannot breed in the jar

It can lead to semi-permanency. Because sugar can extract the hair at a shorter length than waxing, it is possible to extract hair in the early anagen phase. If a client removes the hair every 2-3 weeks, the hair follicle will grow in more refined and begin to deplete.

I’ve never been sugared before. How is it done? 

Hair on any part of the body or face can be sugared. The sugar paste is applied to the area against the hair growth and then removed in the same direction of hair growth, bringing the hair with it.

Because sugaring pulls the hair out by the root, it grows back softer, finer, and thinner. The more often you sugar, the less hair grows back.

Although sugaring can be performed on even the most sensitive skin, it's important to know that it can cause tenderness and swelling. In addition, some medications will cause the skin to react badly to sugaring. Don’t sugar if you’re taking Retin-A, Accutane, or any type of acne prescription.

How do I prepare for a treatment?

For the first time, let the hair grow out to about a 1/4 inch above the skin. Please arrive with clean skin. However, please refrain from taking a shower or bath immediately before the treatment (within 1 hour). Soaking the hair will soften it, allowing it to break more easily and making sugaring less effective. Do not apply lotion to the skin the day of your sugaring appointment. Also, do not exfoliate the day before or the day of your appointment. Sugar does not stick to live skin, so if you exfoliate, the sugar will not stick to your skin and will be more difficult to remove the hair.

How much does it hurt?

Most people tolerate it well, and get used to the sensation after a few treatments. The level of discomfort you will feel depends on your level of pain tolerance in general, and on which area is being sugared. If you still find sugaring very uncomfortable after several treatments, a pre treatment cooling gel will be recommended to apply at least 20 minutes prior to the service. Clients are also recommended to take two ibuprofen tablets prior to their appointment, to reduce discomfort and decrease inflammation in the post-sugared area. For women, it is generally best not to schedule sugaring services just prior to or during your period, as you are more sensitive to pain at this time and will experience more discomfort.

What do I do after I get sugared?

It’s important to care for the waxed area properly after treatment to prevent ingrown hairs, breakouts, or other reactions. Exfoliation, using dead sea salt or exfoliating gloves with a bath gel, will help keep the skin clear. Avoid using a bar soap because it leaves a film on the body that could cause ingrown hairs. For the face, back, and chest, use a more gentle exfoliant and an anti-breakout lotion (ask your Sugarist about recommended products). Directly after sugaring, avoid direct sunlight and tanning booths, especially while the skin is still red from treatment. For 24 hours after being sugared, avoid exercise, hot tubs, and products with harsh chemicals, perfumes, or dyes. Apply a gentle moisturizer 24 hours after treatment.

What is Brazilian waxing (sugaring)?

Many people are familiar with bikini waxing, which removes pubic and leg hair that would otherwise show when a bathing suit is worn. Brazilian waxing got its start with the daring bathing suits worn by both sexes on Brazil’s sunny beaches. It is now common in the United States and is preferred by many for the sleek feeling it provides.

The treatment involves waxing off all pubic and labial hair from front to back for women and all genital hair for men, including that on the penis and scrotum. A full Brazilian wax involves the removal of all genital hair. You can also request a variation on the standard Brazilian if you prefer to leave a small amount of hair. (Please note, I do not offer Brazilians on male clients.)

What to expect:

Try to arrive relaxed and ready to bare all. There is no modest way to receive a Brazilian. Your esthetician is a professional, and your dignity as a person will be respected in the treatment room.

Be ready to fill out a questionnaire and describe what medications and skin care products you are using. For women, it is best not to schedule a brazilian just before or during your period as it generally will feel more uncomfortable to be waxed at that time of the month. You can take 1-2 ibuprofen 30 minutes prior to your appointment to decrease sensitivity and inflammatory response following sugaring.

You should trim the hair to 1/4” in length for best results prior to your appointment.  If it’s shorter, the sugar may not be effective, and if the hair is longer the sugar will tug on the skin and hair more, causing more discomfort. If you do not have time to trim prior to your appointment, be sure to let your esthetician know so that she can add extra time to your appointment for trimming.

Your esthetician will use an antiseptic wipe or lotion on the area first to cleanse. Sugar is applied to the area one section at a time. The sugar is removed quickly and pressure is applied to the area to minimize discomfort. Warm compresses and hydrating lotion after the treatment also help to calm and soothe the area. It is normal to have a histamine reaction following waxing in this area, in which you may see red irritated skin and bumps for 24 hours or even longer. This is very common and will subside.

Your esthetician has learned the best techniques for removing the hair efficiently and effectively. Some of the positions you may be asked to be in may be a little embarrassing, but your esthetician is a professional who does this type of sugaring frequently and will be very professional and understanding with you.

Home care:

Your esthetician can provide the best guidance on caring for your skin after a treatment. For 24 hours following a Brazilian, you should not sunbathe, use a tanning bed, use a hot tub, be sexually intimate, or perform exercise that will cause significant sweating. Loose clothing worn after the appointment is the most comfortable. (bring a clean pair of underwear to change into afterwards)

Keep the area clean and gently exfoliate the area to prevent ingrown hairs.  Special products can be purchased for this. Your esthetician will recommend which products will be best for you.

If you decide you want to continue sporting your Brazilian style, sugaring at approximately three to four-week intervals is recommended to reduce discomfort on follow-up visits. In time, less hair will grow back, and it will become finer and lighter in color.