Glamourize Me
Welcome to Glamourize Me where you will receive the best one on one service that will leave you feeling glamorous. Services offered include facials, sugaring, lash lifts and advanced brow services.
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73-5563 Olowalu Street
Kailua-Kona, HI, 96740
United States
Glamourize Me Skincare Studio in Kailua Kona, Hawaii offers the best esthetic services. Learn about the services offered which include sugaring hair removal, custom facial treatments, detoxifying body wraps and Lash and Brow treatments such as Lash Lifting and Lash and Brow tinting. Online scheduling and instant gift certificates are available.
Welcome to Glamourize Me where you will receive the best one on one service that will leave you feeling glamorous. Services offered include facials, sugaring, lash lifts and advanced brow services.